Switch to the new publishing flow

###What's new? 🆕 We're introducing 'Background Publishing' as an alternative to the current way of publishing content from your Hub, known as 'Frontend Publishing'. It's already available in Purple Hub, ready for you to activate whenever you're up for it. It includes several changes and is based on the original WordPress publishing flow: ####Updated Top Bar ![Updated Top Bar.jpeg](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/22010/inline-8a17783f627924de2665e890ed9fd7af.jpg) ####Updated Side Bar ![Updated Side Bar.jpeg](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/22010/inline-a7477ca53db817387643b30ccad21f75.jpg) ####New Publishing Summary ![New Publishing Summary.jpeg](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/22010/inline-4f578033de30045a1878e73fc33e6e1c.jpg) ###Your benefit 🤓 This new flow is a significant change that simplifies the way you publish your content in Purple Hub. There are fewer clicks and a new summary that lists all your article settings. ###Key facts 🔑 * Switching to the new flow can be done at any time by an Administrator [learn more](https://docs.purplepublish.com/setup/set-up-background-publishing) * As soon as enabled, you can't change back to the old flow * A custom URL can be saved for the preview function [learn more](https://docs.purplepublish.com/setup/set-up-a-custom-domain-for-article-preview-in-purple-hub)