Feedback function

##What is it about? πŸ‘€ We love your feedback! It allows us to fine-tune Purple Publishing Suite to meet the needs of our users. To capture your thoughts and measure your satisfaction with our product, we have enabled a feedback function. We'd love to hear about your experiences and personal preferences with Purple. So please feel free to share your valuable insights with us at any time by using the feedback forms to help us develop Purple further based on your needs. ###1. Feedback posts ![Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 15.48.18.png-1008](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/23396/inline-6dff5063baf7e4197b93a1b51fad908f.jpg) ###2. General satisfaction ![Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 15.50.00.png-9550](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/23396/inline-7d9e32abce69b9a5e8e05b6d777cecae.jpg) ##Your benefits πŸ€“ As the user, you are the primary focus of our product, and we aim to make it as valuable and convenient as possible for you. By providing your insights and sharing your satisfaction with Purple, you contribute to its continual improvement. We genuinely value your input and encourage you to share your thoughts, helping us create a customized experience that aligns perfectly with your requirements. ##Key facts πŸ”‘ * We review all incoming feedback frequently and will keep you up to date on our progress working on your messages * You can leave feedback on all Components (Hub, App Experience, Manager, etc.) by selecting the category of your post accordingly * The Feedback module is enabled in the Purple Documentation, Product Updates and Freshdesk Tickets * πŸ’‘Bookmark the feedback page now