✨ Purple Prompts

##What's new? 🆕 As 2023 draws to a close, we want to treat you to perhaps the most exciting new development of the year: Purple Prompts is the brand new GPT 4 integration for the Purple Hub to speed up your editorial work with the power of AI. It allows you to create drafts faster and automate downstream tasks after text creation. Purple Prompts is seamlessly integrated into Purple Hub, located right next to your article in the sidebar and allows you to edit your articles with just a few clicks: Choose one of our well-established out-of-the-box prompts or use one of your own customised prompts, such as 'Suggest Reader Engagement Tactics' or 'Rewrite Press Release' and save valuable time when creating your stories. ##That's how Purple Prompts helps you create articles ![image (14).png-1067](BASE/products/838261857/changelog/28835/inline-668ba72ea636395492436ae42dfbc37b.jpg) ##Benefits 🤓 * **Efficient editorial workflows:** Purple Prompts, integrated with GPT 4 in Purple Hub, speeds up writing while keeping the editorial workflow centralised in your CMS. Editors stay focused and avoid the tab-switching hassles typical of AI tools, maintaining existing formatting while using AI suggestions. * **Prompt control:** Purple Hub's prompt management interface allows newsroom creators to easily add custom prompts as buttons directly into the article sidebar without coding. This ensures consistent use of prompts across the team. * **Language flexibility:** Support for German and other languages extends the capabilities of the GPT 4 integration beyond English content and delivers excellent linguistic results. ##Key Facts 🔑 * If you are not using Purple Prompts yet, we are happy to enable it in your Purple Hub for free. [Just send us a note](https://support.sprylab.com/en/support/tickets/new) * Learn more about our [beneficial use case for turning inbound press releases into articles in just a few clicks](https://updates.purplepublish.com/changelog/28817/) * See [Purple Prompts live in Action in our Webinar Recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4bjwCMMEjc) * Find here the [answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) around Purple Prompts](https://docs.purplepublish.com/growth/purple-prompts-faq)