Purple Importer: Monitoring Server UI improvements

What is it about? 👀

As a further step in improving the Purple Importer, we have adjusted some design elements of the Purple Monitoring Server UI to give you an enhanced user experience when monitoring your imports. Those actions are one of many upcoming improvements to ensure a smooth and user-friendly import flow for your e-papers.

What has changed?

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New buttons
The interface contains new Re-import and Download buttons for improved usability - both functions remain the same. 

New feature: Import information
From now on, you will find a new button, "Information", in the UI. Clicking on it opens a new tab displaying the import configuration. This new feature allows you to check whether all configurations are correct.

Warning dialogue in case of an import-error
If an error occurs during the import workflow, a warning symbol appears. Clicking on the symbol opens a tab with a detailed error description.

What do you think about this update?